MI Creative Potential is a collective impact initiative that advances equitable access to quality K-12 arts education in Michigan through data collection, implementation of resources, strategic partnerships, and a statewide arts education action agenda.
The Michigan K-12 Arts Education Survey pointed to inequities in arts education. The data analysis embedded in the MI Creative State Report establishes a guidepost for our next steps, including a Roadmap and Toolkit for advancing arts education in our state.
MI Creative Potential offers statewide arts education data and networking, which enhances opportunities to connect, engage, learn, and grow. It helps provide tailored resources and relevant professional learning for K-12 arts instruction, assessment, and continuous improvement planning. Interested in participating in artLook Michigan?
K-12 and community arts providers create transformative learning experiences for students. Through MI Creative Potential, we envision a state fabric woven with equitable vibrant arts events, field trips to arts and cultural venues, plentiful art supplies, instruments, and space for all students. Join your Regional Arts Ed Network.
The Michigan Arts Education Instruction and Assessment (MAEIA) project offers resources to bolster classroom practice:
artlook Michigan, developed by Parliament Collective Intelligence, is the arts data dashboard and networking platform where statewide data collection will be entered and displayed while also connecting K-12 schools with community arts providers. These introductions pave the way for innovative arts residencies that supplement district provided arts education. artlook Michigan launches the three-year rollout in Winter/Spring 2025!
MI Creative Potential is led by the Michigan Assessment Consortium (MAC) in partnership with Michigan Department of Education (MDE), Michigan Arts and Culture Council (MACC), and the Michigan Education Association (MEA). This is the MI Arts Ed Coalition. Statewide arts associations convene to align goals, mutually reinforcing activities, and consistent communication.
Letters of Endorsement
Access to quality K-12 arts education helps Michigan foster vibrant communities, a dynamic workforce, and improved quality of life across the state. As arts opportunities increase, Michigan’s workforce will be filled with creative minds who solve problems with teamwork and innovation.
Use the MI Creative Roadmap and Toolkit to create change
Coming Soon!
A team of arts and project management professionals at the MAC spearheads MI Creative Potential and works with colleagues and partners to advance K12 arts education in Michigan.
Your voice can join thousands of others in championing arts education through multiple channels. To learn more, contact MI Creative Potential Director of Operations, Barb Whitney.